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Some of our favorite videos from over the years


Crossbow Winter Retreat - Delta Rae - Bottom Of The River

Read more During one of our retreats, we decided to record some of our tunes. Here's our cover of Delta Rae's Bottom of the River! Video shot by Luke Larabee

Michigan Irish Music Festival - CrossBow - Performances Recap 2014

Read more CrossBow had the privilege of performing at the 2014 Michigan Irish Music Festival in Muskegon in September. Here is a recap video for you all to enjoy ! (watch in 720p or 1080 for best quality!) We love this festival and had such a great time here !

CrossBow - "Barton Hollow" [The Civil Wars Cover]

Read more Make sure you bump the resolution up to 1080p to get the full effect of the RED Scarlet footage. A cover of The Civil Wars' "Barton Hollow." Performed by CrossBow, and filmed by The Scientists of Light, both Grand Valley State University student organizations. For more info about CrossBow, visit their Facebook page at Also be sure to check out The Civil Wars' channel for more incredible music. We do not own the rights to this song and in no way intend to make a profit off of this video. This video was an extracurricular project made by two student clubs.
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